The Best Hot Tub Accessories UK

We expect you are just like us and love a hot tub accessory and hot tub gifts. We have put together our Best Hot Tub Accessories UK on this page so you can see what we think are the best and decide if you would like to treat yourself to one or more of them too!

The Best Hot Tub Vacuum Cleaner UK

We all no doubt got started with the pump action hot tub vacuum that our hot tub seller told us to buy. It was ok, but when you pump to suck up the water and pump back down to replace the cleaned water, it disturbs the water all around it.

So we decided that there had to be a better way, and there very much is.

The solution may surprise you, but it works a treat.

Click here to view The Best Hot Tub Vacuum Cleaner.

The Best Hot Tub Floating Speaker (& A Better Alternative)

totally hot tubsIf you didn’t invest in the built-in hot tub speaker, smart move. They are incredibly overpriced and in our experience of speaking with many owners, they do not always last very long and do not provide the greatest sound.

So save yourself the optional upgrade cost of a few hundred pounds /few thousand pounds and instead look at one of these options:

Waterproof hot tub floating speaker

than you can just throw in the hot tub with you each time you dive in.

Click here to view on Amazon:>>

A Better Alternative With More Than Hot Tub Use

This is our new favourite in town when it comes to hot tub speakers.

No, it isn’t a floating hot tub speaker, but we think it is better than that, not just in terms of sound quality, but also in terms of the fact that it can be used for far more than just a hot tub speaker.

It can be a garden speaker, a bathroom speaker, is incredibly portable, sounds amazing and is also waterproof.

We are talking about the high quality, Sonos Roam Portable Waterproof Speaker.

This is a very light, great sounding speaker that also is part of the Sonos network, meaning you can pair it up incredibly easily with other Sonos speakers from the Sonos range.

So you can have the same tunes playing in your lounge, kitchen and hot tub.

What’s not to love!

Click here to view the Sonos Roam Speaker on Amazon:>>

Hot Tub Starter Kit

totally hot tubsWhen you just start out, it can all seem a little bit daunting getting to know your chemicals, the correct levels and how to keep your hot tub safe.

This hot tub starter kit has all you need to get you up and running. Whether you have an inflatable hot tub, or a more permanent one, this hot tub starter kit will get you up and running if you want it all in one go.

Click here to view and buy the Chlorine version on Amazon:>>

Click here to view and buy the Bromide version on Amazon (more popular option we find as its generally more stable – keeps the hot tub cleaner for longer with less maintenance):>>

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